Lift & Learn
A podcast to help you along in your own fitness journey!
About the show
In this podcast you’ll be listening to me explain and dive deep into various health and fitness topics. I’ve trained hundreds of clients throughout the years and with this podcast, I try to reach even more people who are looking to change their life in a positive way. You’ll hear about new information and solutions to your weight loss and fitness journey that will actually help you. It might not take 4-8 weeks to reach your goal and that’s just the truth. There is no magic pill when it comes to weight loss or strength gain, it’s just about doing things properly and consistently and you’ll learn a lot more about this when you hit that play button!
Lift & Learn on social media
#65: How to Bulk Properly, What’s the Ideal Macronutrient Split?
December 10th, 2021 | 34 mins 7 secs
barbell, bmi, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, female, fitness, food, full body, gains, gender, glute, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, male, medicine, men, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, women, workout
After talking about my own training, my bulk, robots, sports, and movies, I talk about how to bulk properly and what the ideal macronutrient split is for most people.
#64: Should Women Train Differently From Men, How to Make Progress All the Time
December 3rd, 2021 | 46 mins 56 secs
barbell, bmi, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, fitness, food, full body, gains, glute, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, real life, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout
After talking about some issues I had with my car, my workout progress, some sports talk, and a Germany lockdown for unvaccinated folks, I talk about if women and men should train differently and how to make progress constantly.
#63: Are Frozen Fruits/Vegetables Safe For You, How Resistance Training Helps with Real Life
November 26th, 2021 | 39 mins 27 secs
barbell, bmi, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, fitness, food, full body, gains, glute, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout
After talking about my training, my accidental HelloFresh order, magic mushrooms (psilocybin), and 23andMe making drugs in the future, I talk about if frozen fruits / vegetables are good for you and how resistance training can help you live better daily.
#62: What Workout to Do When You Have No Time, How to Fix Muscle Imbalances
November 19th, 2021 | 39 mins 54 secs
barbell, bmi, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, fitness, food, gains, glute, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, less is more, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout
After talking about how my bulk and training are going, sports, and a new drug, I talk about what workout to do if you are a busy person, and what to do when you have muscular imbalances within your body.
#61: Why Eating Low Calories All the Time is Dangerous, How Often to Change the Rep Ranges in Your Workouts
November 12th, 2021 | 32 mins 14 secs
barbell, bmi, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, fitness, food, gains, glute, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, less is more, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout
In the first portion, I talk about the Chicago Blackhawks and the rest of the NHL, my training, the end of the golf season. In the fitness part, I talk about when exactly to change your rep ranges in your workouts and why eating low calories all the time could be dangerous and might not lead to weight loss.
#60: Does Cardio Really Kill Your Gains?, How to Exercise Less and Get More Results
November 5th, 2021 | 39 mins 52 secs
barbell, bmi, butt, calories, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, fatty foods, fitness, food, food tracking, full body, gains, glute, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macro factor, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, myfitnesspal, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, recovery, rir, rpe, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout
After talking about my own training, some hockey news (Eichel trade and Blackhawks), and other sports, I talk about if cardio really does kill your gains and how you can workout or train less and get more results.
#59: Pros and Cons of Food Tracking, How Hard You Should Be Training
October 29th, 2021 | 40 mins 37 secs
barbell, bmi, butt, calories, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, fatty foods, fitness, food, full body, gains, glute, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, recovery, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout
After talking about my training, the Chicago Blackhawks' season and allegations, I talk about the pros and cons of food tracking apps and how hard you should be training to make constant progress.
#58: The Benefits of Full Body Workout Routines, the Importance of Fatty Foods Within Your Diet
October 22nd, 2021 | 35 mins 31 secs
barbell, bmi, butt, calories, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fitness, food, gains, glute, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, recovery, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout
After talking about my training for the week, the NBA and NHL season so far, and Apple's new MacBook Pros; I talk about full body workout routines and their benefits and why fatty foods can actually be good for you to have in your diet.
#57: What Rep Ranges To Build Muscle, Circuit Training vs Straight Sets
October 15th, 2021 | 24 mins 46 secs
barbell, bmi, butt, calories, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fitness, food, gains, glute, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, recovery, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout
After talking about sports, Mr. Olympia, and my training, I talk about what rep ranges are best to build muscle and the differences between circuit based training vs straight sets.
#56: Two Secrets to Lose Weight in the Long Run, Free Weights vs Machines
October 11th, 2021 | 25 mins 18 secs
barbell, bmi, butt, calories, chest, coffee, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fitness, food, gains, glute, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, plateau, preworkout, recovery, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout
After talking about my mini vacation and some sports, I talk about two secrets to help you lose weight in the long term and why free weights are better than machines.
#55: Best Exercises to Grow the Glutes / Butt, How to Get Strong Without Gaining Weight
October 1st, 2021 | 38 mins 42 secs
barbell, bmi, calories, chest, coffee, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fitness, food, gains, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, plateau, preworkout, recovery, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, water, weight gain, workout
After talking about my workouts and golf and sports, I talk about how you can build the glutes with the best exercises and how you can get strong without gaining too much weight or getting too fat.
#54: The Best Shoulder Exercises For Growth
September 24th, 2021 | 35 mins 41 secs
barbell, bmi, calories, chest, coffee, cooking, covid, covid-19, deadlift, dedication, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fitness, food, gains, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, low carb, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, plateau, preworkout, recovery, scale, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, walk, water, weight gain, workout
First birthday of the podcast! After I talk about my training, softball, MLB, and Star Wars Visions, I go on and on about the best shoulder exercises to do in order to grow and build strength.