Lift & Learn
A podcast to help you along in your own fitness journey!
About the show
In this podcast you’ll be listening to me explain and dive deep into various health and fitness topics. I’ve trained hundreds of clients throughout the years and with this podcast, I try to reach even more people who are looking to change their life in a positive way. You’ll hear about new information and solutions to your weight loss and fitness journey that will actually help you. It might not take 4-8 weeks to reach your goal and that’s just the truth. There is no magic pill when it comes to weight loss or strength gain, it’s just about doing things properly and consistently and you’ll learn a lot more about this when you hit that play button!
Lift & Learn on social media
#77: What Pre-Workout Meal to Have if You Exercise Early in the Morning, Is When You Are Eating a Big Deal
March 4th, 2022 | 34 mins 6 secs
barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, fitness, food, full body, gains, glute, health, highly processed, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, metabolism, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, salt, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, supplement, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout
After talking about the gym life, vitamin D, and sports, I talk about why when you eat is important and also what meals to consider before having an early morning workout.
#76: When to Cut for the Summer. Why Carbs Are So Important
February 25th, 2022 | 28 mins 49 secs
barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, fitness, food, full body, gains, glute, health, highly processed, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, metabolism, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, salt, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, supplement, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout
After talking about some books I've been reading, my training, and the NBA All-Star Game, I talk about when you should start your cut and why eating carbs are so important.
#75: How Much Muscle Do You Lose When Injured?, Why You Shouldn't Rely on Supplements
February 18th, 2022 | 35 mins 16 secs
barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, fitness, food, full body, gains, glute, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, metabolism, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, salt, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout
After talking about my own training, lifting restrictions in Ontario Canada, and the Super Bowl halftime show, I talk about how much muscle you lose when you're injured and why you shouldn't rely on supplements.
#74: How Long Does Building the Metabolism Take, Is Salt Bad For You?
February 11th, 2022 | 22 mins 50 secs
barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, etiquette, exercise, fasting, fat, fitness, food, form, full body, gains, glute, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, new year, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, sleep, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout
After talking about how my training and diet went this week, the NBA trade deadline, and the 2022 Winter Olympics, I talk about how long it takes to make your metabolism work faster and harder and then I talk about if salt is really bad for you.
#73: Why Training Too Hard is Detrimental to Gains, How to Improve Your Sleep Quality
February 4th, 2022 | 19 mins 29 secs
barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, etiquette, exercise, fasting, fat, fitness, food, form, full body, gains, glute, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, new year, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout
Now that the gyms are open, I talk about how my training went, Sony buying Bungie, Pokemon Legends Arceus, and sports. And then in the fitness topics for this week I talk about how training too hard is killing gains and how you can improve your sleep quality.
#72: Why Form is Most Important, Proper Gym Etiquette
January 28th, 2022 | 21 mins 24 secs
barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, fitness, food, full body, gains, glute, goals, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, new year, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, scale, short, shoulder, snowstorm, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, tall, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout
I talk about my booster shot and the after effects, my reading for the week. And, in the fitness topics for this week I talk about why form is so important and how you can be a respected gym member by following a few gym etiquette rules.
#71: How to Get Back To Working Out After Being Sick (COVID-19), Difference Between Short vs Tall Lifters
January 21st, 2022 | 33 mins 27 secs
barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, female, fitness, food, full body, gains, gender, glute, goals, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, male, medicine, men, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, new year, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, women, workout
Reflecting on this past week's snowstorm, my life, barefoot training, and Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard. And for the fitness topics for this week, I talk about how to get back to working out after being sick (COVID-19) and the difference between short vs tall lifters.
#70: Why Going ‘All In’ Isn’t a Great Strategy, Best Protein Sources to Eat
January 14th, 2022 | 32 mins 20 secs
barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, female, fitness, food, full body, gains, gender, glute, goals, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, male, medicine, men, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, new year, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, women, workout
After talking about the gyms still being closed, home workouts, what I've been up to lately, and Oregon State's latest hemp research, I talk about why going 'all in' isn't a smart strategy, and I talk about the best protein sources that you can eat on a daily basis.
#69: How to Lose Weight Without Tracking Calories, How to Get Healthy Within Your Own Home
January 7th, 2022 | 38 mins 32 secs
barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, female, fitness, food, full body, gains, gender, glute, goals, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, male, medicine, men, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, new year, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, women, workout
After talking about how my week went, another round of gym closures (lockdown), and CES 2022, I talk about how you can lose weight without tracking your calories and how you be more healthy in your own home.
#68: How to Achieve Your Goals in 2022, What to do if the Gyms are Too Expensive
December 31st, 2021 | 25 mins 36 secs
barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, female, fitness, food, full body, gains, gender, glute, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, male, medicine, men, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, women, workout
After talking about how the holidays went, if my strength increased over the past year, and COVID affecting sports, I talk about how you can complete all of your goals for the new year and what you can do to stay in shape if the gyms are too expensive.
#67: How to Plan for the New Year New You, How to Program Your Workout Properly
December 24th, 2021 | 34 mins 3 secs
barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, female, fitness, food, full body, gains, gender, glute, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, male, medicine, men, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, women, workout
After talking about my training, the pandemic and sports, Pfizer and cannabis, dinosaur eggs, and a new possible cancer vaccine (mrna), I talk about planning for the new year, new you attitude, and I talk about how to program your workouts properly.
#66: How Not to Gain Weight During the Holidays, Why You Shouldn’t Skip Leg Day
December 18th, 2021 | 30 mins 17 secs
barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, female, fitness, food, full body, gains, gender, glute, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, male, medicine, men, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, women, workout
After talking about my week of training, sports, and increasing COVID-19 cases, I go over a few strategies to help you stay lean for the holidays and why you shouldn't be skipping leg day.