Lift & Learn
A podcast to help you along in your own fitness journey!
About the show
In this podcast you’ll be listening to me explain and dive deep into various health and fitness topics. I’ve trained hundreds of clients throughout the years and with this podcast, I try to reach even more people who are looking to change their life in a positive way. You’ll hear about new information and solutions to your weight loss and fitness journey that will actually help you. It might not take 4-8 weeks to reach your goal and that’s just the truth. There is no magic pill when it comes to weight loss or strength gain, it’s just about doing things properly and consistently and you’ll learn a lot more about this when you hit that play button!
Lift & Learn on social media
#53: Low-Carb Timing Within the Day, Why You Need To Stop Doing Touch and Go Deadlifts
September 17th, 2021 | 27 mins 28 secs
barbell, bmi, calories, chest, coffee, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fitness, food, gains, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, hydration, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, plateau, preworkout, recovery, scale, shoes, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, walk, water, weight gain, weightlifting shoes, workout, yoga
After talking about my training, sports, the PlayStation Showcase, and Google Dark Mode, I talk about carbohydrate timing on a low-carb diet and if you should be doing touch and go deadlifts.
#52: Benefits of Weightlifting Shoes, How To Get Back After Time Off
September 10th, 2021 | 29 mins 19 secs
barbell, bmi, calories, chest, coffee, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, deload, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fitness, food, gains, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, hydration, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, plateau, preworkout, recovery, scale, squat, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, walk, water, weight gain, workout, yoga
After talking about my training, Leylah Fernandez, the Drake album, and gut bacteria research, I talk about the benefits of weightlifting shoes and how to get back into fitness after some time off.
#51: When and If You Should Deload, How to Squat Better
September 3rd, 2021 | 32 mins 58 secs
barbell, bmi, body split, calories, chest, clean bulk, coffee, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, detox, diet, dirty bulk, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fitness, food, gains, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, hydration, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, plateau, preworkout, recovery, rir, rpe, scale, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, walk, water, weight gain, workout, yoga
After talking about how my gym progress is going, Ontario's vaccine passport, and new albums, I talk about what a deload is and if you should do them, and how to squat better.
#50: Should You Do a Dreamer / Dirty Bulk, Upper/Lower Split for More Gains
August 27th, 2021 | 32 mins
barbell, bmi, caffeine, calories, chest, coffee, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, detox, diet, discipline, dose, education, exercise, fasting, fitness, food, gains, genetics, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, hydration, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, olympics, overtraining, pandemic, plateau, preworkout, recovery, rir, rpe, scale, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, walk, water, weight gain, workout, yoga
After talking about how my training is going, I talk about if you should do a dreamer / dirty bulk and the benefits of an upper/lower training split.
#49: What’s the Right Dose of Exercise?, Should I Use Caffeine Pre-Workout?
August 20th, 2021 | 26 mins 59 secs
barbell, bmi, calories, chest, coffee, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fitness, food, gains, genetics, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, hydration, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, olympics, overtraining, pandemic, plateau, preworkout, recovery, rir, rpe, scale, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, walk, water, weight gain, workout, yoga
After talking about my week of training, new gyms, and new cars, I talk about what the right dose of exercise is and how caffeine can be used to make your workouts even better.
#48: Best Back Exercises to Do, How Much of a Role Do Genetics Play?
August 13th, 2021 | 33 mins 11 secs
barbell, bmi, calories, chest, coffee, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fitness, food, gains, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, hydration, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, olympics, overtraining, pandemic, plateau, preworkout, protein, recovery, rir, rpe, scale, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, walk, water, weight gain, workout, yoga
After talking about the end of the Tokyo Summer Olympics, bigger gym crowds, and John Meadows, I talk about the best back exercises to do and how to work around bad genetics.
#47: How To Eat Out And Stay Healthy, Supplementing with Protein
August 6th, 2021 | 35 mins 48 secs
barbell, bmi, calories, chest, coffee, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fitness, food, gains, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, hydration, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, plateau, preworkout, recovery, rir, rpe, scale, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, walk, water, weight gain, workout, yoga
After talking about the Tokyo Summer Olympics 2020 and the NBA Off-Season, I talk about how you can eat out and still stay healthy and if you should be using protein powder supplements everyday.
#46: The Best Chest Exercises, How Hard Should You Be Working Out
July 30th, 2021 | 33 mins 11 secs
barbell, bmi, calories, coffee, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, detox, diet, discipline, doms, education, exercise, fasting, fitness, food, gains, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, hydration, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, offseason, overtraining, pandemic, plateau, prep, preworkout, recovery, scale, soreness, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, walk, water, weight gain, workout, yoga
After talking about the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, and the NHL Off-Season, I talk about the best chest exercises, and how hard you should be working out.
#45: Do I Need Gym Gear To Start Working Out, How to Recover From Muscle Soreness Faster
July 23rd, 2021 | 24 mins 44 secs
barbell, bmi, calories, coffee, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fitness, food, gains, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, hydration, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, offseason, overtraining, pandemic, plateau, prep, preworkout, recovery, scale, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, walk, water, weight gain, workout, yoga
After talking about sports I've played, the NBA Finals, the NHL Seattle Kraken Draft, and the 2020 Olympics, I talk about if you need gym gear to workout and how to recover from muscle soreness faster.
#44: What To Do On Your First Day Back at the Gym
July 16th, 2021 | 27 mins 34 secs
barbell, bmi, calories, coffee, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fitness, food, gains, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, hydration, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, offseason, overtraining, pandemic, plateau, prep, preworkout, recovery, scale, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, walk, water, weight gain, workout, yoga
After talking about Ontario, Canada finally opening the gyms, and sports, I talk about what you need to do be doing on your first day back in the gym.
#43: Why You Need To Walk Everyday, What To Do To Prepare for the Gym (Offseason Training)
July 9th, 2021 | 25 mins 26 secs
barbell, bmi, calories, coffee, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fitness, food, gains, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, hydration, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, plateau, preworkout, recovery, scale, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, volume, water, weight gain, workout, yoga
After talking about NHL and NBA playoffs, the new Nintendo Switch, and some Oakville gym that got shut down, I talk about why you need to be walking every single day and what you can do to prepare yourself for the gyms re-opening.
#42: Losing Body Fat In Batwing Area / Triceps, How To Recover From Injury Properly
July 2nd, 2021 | 36 mins 36 secs
barbell, bmi, calories, coffee, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fitness, food, gains, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, hydration, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, plateau, preworkout, scale, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, volume, water, weight gain, workout, yoga
After talking about sports and the entertainment / movie industry, I talk about how to lose that unwanted underarm / batwing / triceps fat and how to recover from injury the right way.