Lift & Learn

A podcast to help you along in your own fitness journey!

About the show

In this podcast you’ll be listening to me explain and dive deep into various health and fitness topics. I’ve trained hundreds of clients throughout the years and with this podcast, I try to reach even more people who are looking to change their life in a positive way. You’ll hear about new information and solutions to your weight loss and fitness journey that will actually help you. It might not take 4-8 weeks to reach your goal and that’s just the truth. There is no magic pill when it comes to weight loss or strength gain, it’s just about doing things properly and consistently and you’ll learn a lot more about this when you hit that play button!

Lift & Learn on social media


  • #89: How Long Does it Take to See Progress, Can You Hit the Same Muscle Everyday

    June 4th, 2022  |  26 mins 45 secs
    barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, fitness, food, full body, gains, glute, goals, health, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, new year, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout

    After talking about one of the most important parts to making long term gains in the gym, I talk about how long it will take to see your own progress and if you can hit the same muscle / body part everyday.

  • #88: Most Important Things to Know When Cutting, What Knee Sleeves Are For

    May 27th, 2022  |  28 mins 42 secs
    barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, fitness, food, full body, gains, glute, goals, health, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, new year, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout

    After talking about how training differs as you age, how my own training went this week, and suggesting some new shows to watch, I talk about the most important things to remember when cutting for the Summer and what exactly knee sleeves are used for.

  • #87: Why You Should Be Eating Whole Foods, Why Injuries Are the Worst and How to Prevent Them

    May 21st, 2022  |  34 mins 28 secs
    barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, fitness, food, full body, gains, glute, goals, health, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, new year, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout

    After talking about how to become more consistent with exercise, the NHL Playoffs, and the Steve Jobs biography, I talk about why eating whole foods are king and why injuries are the worst and how to prevent them from happening.

  • #86: Can You Gain Muscle During a Cut, When to Increase the Weights You’re Using

    May 14th, 2022  |  24 mins 41 secs
    barbell, bmi, bones, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, farmers walk, fasting, fat, fitness, food, full body, gains, glute, goals, health, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, new year, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, squat, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout

    After talking about why training in the morning can help you be more consistent, the Leafs headed to Game 7, I talk about how you can actually gain muscle during a cut phase and when you should increase the weights you use.

  • #85: Why You Need to Be Doing Farmer’s Walks, Why Doing the Exercises You Neglect the Most Will Give You the Most Benefit

    May 6th, 2022  |  22 mins 42 secs
    barbell, bmi, bones, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, fitness, food, full body, gains, glute, goals, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, new year, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, squat, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout

    After talking about why water can improve your strength and performance in the gym, my own new workout training phase, and the NBA and NHL Playoffs, I talk about why doing farmer's walks can be so beneficial and why doing the exercises you neglect the most will give you the most benefit.

  • #84: How to Exercise if You Don’t Have the Time, Why You Shouldn’t Be Training to Failure

    April 29th, 2022  |  40 mins 55 secs
    barbell, bmi, bones, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, fitness, food, full body, gains, glute, goals, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, new year, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, squat, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout

    After talking about the importance of full body routines, my own workouts, and the NBA playoffs, I talk about how you can exercise even though you don't have the time and why you shouldn't be training to failure.

  • #83: How Lifting Strengthens Your Bones, When to Not Hit the Biggest Muscle Group in a Workout

    April 15th, 2022  |  27 mins 20 secs
    barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, female, fitness, food, full body, gains, gender, glute, goals, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, male, medicine, men, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, new year, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, squat, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, women, workout

    After talking about the Raptors game, the MLB, journalling / self-reflection, and Cedric McMillan, I talk about how resistance training can make your bones stronger and when not to hit the biggest muscle group first during a workout.

  • #82: How to Cut the Right Way, Why Resistance Bands are Underrated

    April 8th, 2022  |  34 mins 46 secs
    barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, female, fitness, food, full body, gains, gender, glute, goals, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, male, medicine, men, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, new year, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, squat, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, women, workout

    After talking about another week of being sick, the finale of March Madness, and the Grammy's, I talk about how to cut the easiest and smartest way and why resistance bands can be so useful and important.

  • #81: Why Tempo is So Important, Why You Need to Incline Bench More

    April 1st, 2022  |  23 mins 34 secs
    barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, female, fitness, food, full body, gains, gender, glute, goals, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, male, medicine, men, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, new year, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, squat, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, women, workout

    After talking about changing my dumbbell bench press form, reducing the pressure and stress you put on yourself, I talk about why tempo can be so important during your lifts and why you need to do more incline bench press.

  • #80: Why You Might Not Need Cardio to Lose Weight, Difference Between Front and Back Squats

    March 25th, 2022  |  34 mins 7 secs
    barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, female, fitness, food, full body, gains, gender, glute, goals, health, highly processed, hiit, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, liss, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, male, medicine, men, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, new year, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, women, workout

    After talking about Mike Mentzer's one set training method, no masks in the gym, and my own training, I talk about the difference between front and back squats, and why you might not necessarily need to do cardio to lose weight.

  • #79: Why the ‘All or Nothing’ Mentality is Hurting You, The Dangers of Tracking)

    March 18th, 2022  |  30 mins 8 secs
    barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, fitness, food, full body, gains, glute, health, highly processed, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, metabolism, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, salt, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, supplement, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout

    After talking about bowling, warm-up sets, some recipes, and my training, I talk about why the 'all or nothing' mentality is hurting you and the dangers of tracking everything.

  • #78: Why Mindset is Important, How to Get Strong if You Don’t Have Access to More Weight

    March 11th, 2022  |  32 mins 8 secs
    barbell, bmi, bulk, butt, calories, cardio, chest, coffee, consistency, cooking, covid, covid-19, dedication, delt, deltoid, detox, diet, discipline, education, exercise, fasting, fat, fitness, food, full body, gains, glute, health, highly processed, hips, home gym, imbalance, injury, intermittent fasting, intuitive, knee, learn, lift, lose weight, macronutrients, macros, medicine, metabolism, mistakes, mobility, motivation, movement, muscle, newbie, overtraining, pandemic, patience, plateau, preworkout, progress, real life, recovery, results, salt, scale, shoulder, stress, strong, stronger, sugar, supplement, track, tracking, triceps, vegetables, volume, water, weight, weight gain, workout

    After talking about my past with sports, eating fresh vegetables, and Pokemon, I talk about why mindset is so important and how you can get stronger even if you don't have more weight available from your home gym.